Dataset Paradata Versions

Administrators of Tablion have the capability to view all the different versions and updates made to a dataset paradata. This allows them to track the changes made over time, ensuring transparency and facilitating effective management of the dataset paradata.

How to access a specific version of a dataset paradata

  1. To access Admin Tools, the Administrator should navigate from the Tablion homepage.

  2. By accessing the Administration tools, the Administrator can click on the "Versions" option to view the different versions of the dataset paradata.

  3. To view different versions of the dataset paradata, the Administrator should click on the "View versions" option within the Administration tools.

  4. The Administrator will be directed to a page where they can access the complete list of datasets available on Tablion. To view previous versions, the Administrator should click on the option labelled "see versions."

  5. The Administrator will be directed to a page displaying a comprehensive list of updates made to a specific dataset paradata at different points in time.

  6. To access the log, the Administrator can click on the desired date corresponding to the version they want to view. This action will redirect them to the dataset paradata item page, where they can explore the details of that specific version.

    Administrators have the ability to access and review the raw data linked to the dataset paradata.

Last updated