How to create a new data passport?

Admins have the functionality to create data passports and associate them with various datasets based on their organisation's requirements. This allows admins to manage and track the movement and access of data within the organisation. By creating data passports, admins can establish a standardised process for requesting and granting access to specific datasets. They can link the data passports to the corresponding datasets, enabling better control and visibility over data access and usage. This functionality helps ensure compliance, security, and proper governance of data within the organisation.

Steps to create a new data passport in Tablion

  1. From the Tablion homepage, admins can click on "Admin Tools."

  2. To create a new data passport, Admin should navigate to the "Data Passport Type" section and click on the "Create" button.

  3. To begin creating a data passport, the admin needs to provide the following information:

    • Name: This refers to the name of the data passport. It helps identify and distinguish the passport from others.

    • Details: This section allows the admin to provide information about where the data passport can be used or the purpose it serves. It helps users understand the scope and context of the passport.

    • Instructions: Here, the admin can include any additional instructions or guidelines related to the usage of the created passport. These instructions can provide clarity on how users should use the passport and any specific requirements they need to meet.

  4. Admin has the ability to set the status of the data passport according to their requirements. There are three available options for the status:

    • Available for request: By selecting this option, the admin allows researchers to request data using this data passport. It indicates that the passport is active and available for use.

    • Closed for new application: Choosing this status means that the data passport is closed for new applications. It implies that researchers cannot use this passport to request data if they haven't already done so before the closure.

    • Archived or hidden from view: Selecting this status indicates that the data passport is archived or hidden from view. It implies that the passport is no longer actively used or available for researchers to request data.

  5. The admin has the ability to set a default expiry date for the created data passport

    Additionally, the admin can link an email address to receive notifications related to the data passports created using this specific passport.

  6. Admins have the ability to utilise default email templates to notify researchers regarding the status of the data passport. The following templates can be used:

    • Data passport in draft: This email is sent to notify researchers that the data passport is in the draft stage, indicating that it is not yet ready for use.

    • Data passport submitted for review: This email is sent to inform researchers that the data passport has been submitted for review by the relevant authorities.

    • Data passport approved: This email is sent to notify researchers that the data passport has been approved and is now active for requesting data.

    • Data passport denied: This email is sent to inform researchers that the data passport has been denied and will not be approved for requesting data.

    • Data passport expired: This email is sent to notify researchers that the data passport has reached its expiration date and is no longer valid for requesting data.

  1. To create the data passport, admins should click on the "Save basic changes" button.

Last updated